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Drexel University's Arts Administration Program
June 19, 2017
This August, I will be spending two weeks in Mongolia through the Professional Fellows Program (PFP). Funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, PFP is an NGO capacity building project for organizations in almost 50 countries around the world, including the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia.
Since 2015 a total of five cohorts of Chinese and Mongolian fellows have come to the United States for placements in organizations in the fields of the environment, legal aid, philanthropy, and community building among marginalized populations. In addition to learning about American NGO work in their fields, fellows worked on an individual project that he/she was to implement upon returning home. Since August 2015, four groups of Americans from the organizations that hosted the Asian fellows traveled to China/Mongolia to work with fellows on their individual projects, speak about their work in the United States, and learn about civil society in China and Mongolia. In August 2017, I will be with the fifth group of Americans will travel to China/Mongolia for the same purpose.
June 06, 2017
I was pleased to speak at this year's Woodruff Arts Center Educator's Conference. Presented by the Alliance Theatre, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and High Museum of Art, the fourth annual Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference took place June 6-8, 2017. One of Atlanta's most dynamic and collaborative professional learning events, this year’s Educator Conference explored the theme: Building Community through the Arts. Over the course of three days, participants experienced world-class art and engage in workshops led by professional artists and educators in order to reflect upon the essential question: How does my practice build community through the arts?
June 20, 2017
May 17, I presented at TEDx in Traverse City. There I shared my message, "I believe that every child should have equitable access to high-quality music education and be able to use the musical process to develop all the skills, character and sensibilities they will need to be a contributing member of society."